Zindiya – The Planet of Eternals also known as the heaven-like planet was being once ruled by MABA, the great god king who fought thousands of wars all over the galaxy to maintain the law and order on other planets as many planets of the galaxy have been wiped out from existence due to the extensive usage of destructive materials during wars. MAGA and MAYA, twin siblings of great king having the equal rights of throne were assigned their quest by the supreme council of Zindiya to rule over the Earth, to prove their capabilities of being a successful ruler. MAGA and MAYA travelled millions of kilometres together with hundreds of their associates and landed on opposite sides of earth. MAGA landed on the Makran coastal region of Indian Ocean whereas the MAYA chose a faraway region of Peru-Columbian coastline of Pacific Ocean to settle on earth. Both twins were born from the same blood to rule but their ruling methodologies were entirely different from each other as MAGA was passionate to rule the galaxy at any cost whereas the MAYA wanted to understand the galaxy first.
MAGA and MAYA is a Book series of legendary stories of twin siblings of Zindiya – The Planet of Eternals and their associates who ruled the world for centuries and still are controlling the world administration affairs.