The Scientific Journals and Articles Section is managing the scientific papers being published by the iMAQPRESS journals or by iMAQPRESS team members for their global visibility and improved citations. This section is using a comprehensive content management strategies as a part of its publishing process. Here please find all the articles being published by iMAQPRESS journals on yearly basis iMAQPRESS is managing.
Muhammad Irfan-Maqsood
Rufat Guliyev1*, Dunya Ahmadova2
Panaliyev Aliheydar Valiahad
Orkhan İsmayilov, Goshgar Rasulov, Anar Hajiyev
Beyali Ahmedov, Isa Khalilov, Anar Hajiyev
Dr.Valeh Bakhshali*, Ismayil A. Ismayil, Konul Huseynzade
Muhammad Irfan-maqsood