Vol.6, No.2 - December 2020 Role of Organ Specific Cancer Stem Cells in Organ Specific Cancer Progression Applications of Stem Cells in Cancer Therapy: A Literature Based Studies Vol.6, No.1 - June 2020 LncRNAs: Key Regulatory Players in the Genomics Black Holes Anticancer and antioxidant effects of red cabbage on three cancerous cell lines and comparison with a normal cell line (HFF-3) Vol.5, No.2 - December 2019 Molecular Genetics of Rhamnolipid Biosurfactant Production (A Mini-Review) Current Status of Gene Therapy Drugs in Global Market – Updated-2019 Vol.5, No.1 - June 2019 Editor: Dr. Zarin F. Rizvi Frequency: Annual (Irregular) Journal of Genes and Cells, ISSN: 2410-6887 was an international research journal published by IMAQ Research Group, Canada.