
Writing case reports

Writing Case Reports (Clinical/Technological/Academic/Organizational etc): The Critiques for Comparative Studies

Case reports are critical analysis of facts on a specific topic featuring a distinguished behavior, achievement, development or innovation related to a disease, academic institute, technological group or an organization, respectively. These reports could be Clinical Case Reports, Technological Case Reports, Institutional or organizational case reports.

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Writing a Review Paper for Scholarly Journals

Writing a Review Paper for Scholarly Journals

Reading research papers and summarizing it – is a common trend in young researchers who are trying to write a scientific review paper and starting their research career with a passion but they face manuscript rejections by scholarly journals.

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national science fund

National Science Funds : Impact on Economic Development

The countries of the world require dominant growth and progressive pace to develop themselves in order to grow side by side along with the super powers of the world. There are several steps to do so and one of the important step to create a sustainable growth is the establishment of a national science fund […]

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